Julie Walters: From Educating Rita to Mamma Mia

Highlights from Julie Walters' prolific acting career to mark her lifetime achievement prize at the Women in Television and Film Awards 2008

Educating Rita
'What do you mean you thought Jude Law was better as Alfie?' Julie Walters with Michael Caine in Willy Russell’s Educating Rita in 1983. Among the film’s numerous awards, Walters won a Bafta and was nominated for an Oscar Photograph: Ronald Grant
Educating Rita Julie Walters
'Sometimes students end up being the best teachers!' Fortunately Educating Rita turned out to be a rather better film than this strapline for the 1983 movie suggested. Walters reprised her stage role for the film, directed by Lewis Gilbert, who also helmed The Spy Who Loved Me and Shirley Valentine Photograph: Kobal Collection
Adrian Mole
Walters in the 1985 ITV adaptation of Sue Townsend’s Adrian Mole books. Walters, who played Adrian’s mum Pauline, dropped out of the second series, replaced by… Lulu Photograph: Thames TV
'Hang on Julie, I’m just texting my wife.' Walters starred with Phil Collins in Buster, the movie about the life of great train robber Buster Edwards. Fellow train robber Bruce Reynolds was played by Larry Lamb … George Lamb’s dad! Photograph: Kobal Collection
Acorn Antiques
'Well, that certainly sounds like a genuine Picasso. But I would have to see it to be sure.' Walters as Mrs Overall in Acorn Antiques, alongside Victoria Wood and Celia Imrie Photograph: BBC
Billy Elliott
'Doctor, it hurts when I do that.' 'Then don’t do that.' Walters reaches for the stars alongside Jamie Bell in Billy Elliot in 2000 Photograph: PR
Calendar Girls
'Oh yes, the old "swap the hand cream for the super glue" gag. Never fails to raise a laugh.' Walters with Calendar Girls co-stars Dame Helen Mirren and, on the far left, Penelope Wilton Photograph: PR
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
'See, right up there? In the very corner? At the very top? That’s where I keep my Baftas.' Walters with Daniel Radcliffe playing a wizard who may or may not go on to prove popular with young people, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Photograph: PR
Driving Lessons
Walters with Rupert Grint in Driving Lessons, a TV comedy drama we know very little about. So over to the trivia section of IMDB. 'When filming, Rupert Grint was only 16 which meant it was illegal for him to drive (the legal age in the UK is 17), so they had to film his driving scenes in private roads.' Photograph: ITV
Victoria Wood and Julie Walters
How to liven up a potentially routine photocall. Wear some marigolds. It could be something to do with Acorn Antiques. More likely, it’s their BBC1 sitcom, Dinnerladies Photograph: Peter Jordan/PA
Sally Lockhart
Walters stole the show from under the nose of Billie Piper in 2006 BBC1 Christmas drama, The Ruby In The Smoke Photograph: BBC
The Wife of Bath
'Yes, I’m gonna be in a film with James Bond and Meryl Streep!' Not Walters celebrating her role in Mamma Mia, but in the BBC1 updating of the Canterbury Tales, in this case The Wife of Bath Photograph: BBC
Filth: The Mary Whitehouse Story
A world away from the fresh-faced Rita in, er, Educating Rita, Walters starred as Mary Whitehouse in Filth: The Mary Whitehouse Story. Yes, that clock was once in Acorn Antiques Photograph: BBC
Mamma Mia
'I’m sorry ladies, but we’ve run out of coffee.' Walters with Christine Baranski, left, and Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia Photograph: PR

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