Catherine Shoard 

Oscar nominations 2012 – the announcement

Hugo leads way with 11 nominations while The Artist earns 10 nods and The Descendants gets five

Oscar statuettes are plated in Chicago
Nearly ready … Oscar statuettes are plated in Chicago. Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty Images Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty Images

1.01pm: The countdown is on - just 37 minutes to go until this year's Oscar nominations are unveiled in Los Angeles. Join us as we attempt to type as fast as Jennifer Lawrence talks.

1.06pm: Get primed on the imminent announcement by reading Joshua Alston's picks of the flicks.

1.08pm: Some quick predictions before they're proved wrong.

For best picture, The Artist is surely a lockdown, likewise The Help, The Descendants, Hugo and Midnight in Paris. But who knows how many nominations there will be this year. It might stay at five, but it might go all the way to 10. If so, there will probably be space in there somewhere for Moneyball, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and War Horse. Might The Tree of Life buck its trend and see some light? Might Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy capitalise on its Bafta love last week? And might Bridesmaids or even Drive warrant a space. At this stage, it looks like the Academy's Clooney love will be sated by lavishing honours on The Descendants. But could The Ides of March sneak a mention?

1.13pm: OK: best actor. Clooney, as discussed, is the frontrunner. Jean Dujardin, Brad Pitt look certain to be bridesmaids. In a slightly weak year, it looks probable Shame's x-rated content won't prevent Michael Fassbender from getting a nod. But who will fill out the fifth spot? Might Gary Oldman get lucky? Or will Leonardo DiCaprio's old-school latex turn deliver the goods. The only other man who could sneak in is – fingers crossed, Michael Shannon – for Take Shelter.

1.17pm: Best actress is the strongest field in years. Meryl Streep, Glenn Close, Michelle Williams and Viola Davis are dead certs. It's the fifth spot that proves the hardest to call. Tilda Swinton has a chance, but then so too do Rooney Mara and Charlize Theron.

1.19pm: Best director looks certain to find space for Michel Hazanavicius, Alexander Payne, Martin Scorsese and Woody Allen. We're rooting for Terrence Malick to bring up the rear, but David Fincher and Tate Taylor are probably more likely. And is the Academy actually going to snub Steven Spielberg? We're still not totally convinced.

1.23pm: Supporting actor now. Christopher Plummer, never the bride, has to be in there, likewise Albert Brooks and Jonah Hill. And then it gets interesting: Kenneth Branagh, anyone? Patton Oswalt? Even Max Von Sydow or Armie Hammer?

1.26pm: Best supporting actress: lockdowns are Help tagteam Octavia Spencer and Jessica Chastain, plus Bérénice Bejo. Then - who knows? Janet McTeer for Albert Nobbs? Melissa McCarthy for Bridesmaids? Shailene Woodley for The Descendants? Or even Carey Mulligan for either Shame or Drive?

1.34pm: Well, it's begun, sort of. The stage is set, there's a bubbly Oscars backdrop and mild chatter.

1.36pm: We've had the three minute warning. Here's another one: in an effort to keep up, we'll be making this liveblog as bald as possible. So - expect surnames. And typos.

1.37pm: One minute to air.

1.38pm: Horns. And Tom Sherak is up. Introducing Jennifer Lawrence.

1.39pm: It's the news we've all been waiting for.

Supporting Actress. Bejo. Chastian, McCarthy, McTeer, Spencer.

Supporting actor Branangh Nolte, Hill, Plummer. Von Sydow

Close, Davies, Mara, Streep, Williams

Clooney, Bichir, Dujardin, Oldman, Pitt

Director: Hazanavicius, Payne, Scorsese, Allen, Mallick

Original screenplay
The Artist, Bridesmaids, Midnight in Paris, Margin Call, A Separation

Adapted screenplay
Payne, Hugo, Ides of March, Moneyball, Tinker

Best picture

War Horse, Artist, Moneyball, Descendants, Tree of Life, Midnight in Paris, The Help, Hugo, Extremely Loud

1.55pm: So - some shocks. Here's the news story.


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