Peter Bradshaw 

McCullin – review

The career of veteran war photographer Don McCullin, and his ambiguous relationship with conflict zones, is thoroughly documented here, writes Peter Bradshaw

It is perhaps a flaw in Jacqui Morris's excellent documentary portrait of war photographer Don McCullin that it implies he effectively retired in the early 1980s, having been alienated by the Sunday Times's new owner Rupert Murdoch and incoming editor Andrew Neil. In fact, McCullin (now 77 years old) was taking pictures of the war in Aleppo this month, for the Times. The 60s to the 80s were the high-water mark of McCullin's career: he found brilliant and searing images in pre-wall Berlin, Cyprus, the Congo, Cambodia, Northern Ireland and Lebanon. His then editor, Harold Evans, is interviewed here extensively and says he is a "genius". It is hard to disagree. McCullin emerges as an unsentimental, plain-speaking, thoughtful man, disgusted at the inhumanity of war – and yet candid about how he is also personally and professionally drawn to its drama. He is haunted by what he has seen, and what he made newspaper readers see. Some of the more brutal images shown here surely could never have been published at the time. His shell-shocked US soldier in Vietnam is deservedly celebrated, as is his remarkable shot of the army charge in Belfast with the woman shrinking back into the doorway. Does he glamourise war? No. But perhaps he cinematises it, instinctively finding the vivid, compellingly composed image. I wonder what would happen if, like music photographer Anton Corbijn, he decided to make a feature film.


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