Benjamin Lee 

Michael Moore working on ‘secret project’ targeting Trump and Roseanne

Documentarian reveals he’s working on a project that will make the pair ‘rue the day’ they met him

Donald Trump, Michael Moore and Roseanne Barr.
Donald Trump, Michael Moore and Roseanne Barr. Composite: Getty

Michael Moore has revealed that he’s been working on a “secret project” involving Donald Trump and Roseanne Barr.

The Oscar-winning documentarian shared a video on his Facebook and Twitter profiles showing him as a guest alongside Trump on The Roseanne Show, a short-lived talk show from the late 90s.

In the clip, the three discuss Moore’s breakout film Roger & Me, a look at the devastation caused by the decision of Roger Smith, the General Motors CEO, to close several plants in Flint, Michigan. Barr introduces Moore as “the philosophical opposite” to Trump.

“It’s terrific, I tell you, I love what he did,” Trump then tells Moore of his film. “If I was Roger, I wouldn’t have liked it but I enjoyed it. I hope he never does one on me though.”

The screen then fades to black and Moore’s URL is shown. The tweet is accompanied by the text: “I know Roseanne. And I know Trump. And they are about to rue the day they knew me...”

On Moore’s official site, he announces: “I’ve been working on a secret project for the last few months.”

The Fahrenheit 9/11 director and the disgraced sitcom star, whose racist tweets caused the cancellation of her revived show, had previously banded together in 2016 as part of the campaign Stop Hate Dump Trump. They both added their signatures to an initiative to stop the normalization of Trump’s “hatred”. She has since attacked Moore on Twitter and supported Trump.

Moore had already called Barr’s comments “hateful” and “slanderous” earlier on Twitter and then criticized the president’s later response.

Moore has already had Trump in his sights with a number of projects. In 2016, he released Michael Moore in Trumpland, a filmed one-man talk and last year he went to Broadway for his show The Terms of My Surrender, an attempt to spur substantial change at the White House.

He had also announced a new film entitled Fahrenheit 11/9 which was set to cover the fallout from Trump’s presidency, but the film is in question after the collapse of the producer Harvey Weinstein. The Weinstein Company asked for Moore to repay $2m for the costs they had already incurred on it.

Last week, Moore tweeted a picture of Weinstein on the day of his arrest with the tagline Fahrenheit 5/25.


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