Phil Hoad 

Postcards from the 48% review – the case for overturning Brexit

Starting at the White Cliffs of Dover, David Wilkinson’s thoughtful documentary takes a tour of Britain to assess the consequences of leaving the EU

‘Hobbled by a fatal attraction to rational argument’ …Ian McEwan in Postcards from the 48%
‘Hobbled by a fatal attraction to rational argument’ …Ian McEwan in Postcards from the 48% Photograph: PR

‘Fin” reads the closing title here, with European flair – very much not what the agony of Remainers (if that’s the right collective noun) who line up in Postcards from the 48% hope this film will be. In calm, vicarly manner, Guerrilla Films honcho David Wilkinson gathers and binds a pretty much unarguable case for persisting in trying to overturn Brexit.

Starting on the brink of the White Cliffs of Dover, chez Miriam Margoyles, who apparently owns the closest English house to France, Wilkinson canvases writers, campaigners, captains of industry, Holocaust survivors, and works his way around the country calculating the possible consequences of leaving the EU in his doomsday book – from industrial and infrastructure subsidies, to the spectre of a new hard border in Ireland, to political marginalisation.

Hopefully enough Leavers, starting with Danny Dyer, are now ready to listen. But Wilkinson’s strategy seems largely to be conserving energy to rally the converted. Just one small segment – a stroll around Stoke-on-Trent – engages with Leave disaffection. Fair enough, but Ian McEwan’s jest in the film about Remainers being “hobbled by a fatal attraction to rational argument” lingers uneasily.

Postcards from the 48% does not venture seriously into the hinterland of disenfranchisement and pig-headed retaliation beyond; many interviewees push variations on the “better in than out” argument, but no one acknowledges that millions voted Leave because they already felt out. Wilkinson at least has the decency, unlike the Leave campaign, not to pretend that he has all the solutions. But that just makes the gulf between populist rage and political ingenuity gape the more imposingly.

The opposition big-hitters who would presumably have to make a U-turn stick are conspicuous in their absence – Nick Clegg and Vince Cable apart – in what feels like an impeccably argued stalemate.


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