Andrew Pulver 

Sacha Baron Cohen hints at project satirising Trump University

Borat star posts video showing logo of president’s controversial ‘university’ alongside message ‘Sacha Graduates Soon’

Sacha Baron Cohen.
Back to school … Sacha Baron Cohen. Photograph: Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic

A cryptic video posted on Twitter by Sacha Baron Cohen suggests that the actor and comedian behind Borat and Brüno may be about to release a film taking aim at Trump University.

A tweet posted on Baron Cohen’s account on Wednesday read “A message from your President @realDonaldTrump on Independence Day” accompanied by a short video containing archive footage of Trump at his desk calling Baron Cohen a “third-rate character” and saying: “I only wish he had been punched in the face so many times right now he would be in the hospital.” The clip ends with Trump saying: “Go to school, learn about being funny”; and the words: “Sacha Graduates Soon”, before closing with a logo for Trump University.

Baron Cohen has tangled with Trump before, having interviewed him in 2003 for Da Ali G Show and attempting to pitch him an “ice cream glove”. In 2012 Trump claimed he was the “only person who immediately walked out of my ‘Ali G’ interview”, a suggestion that Baron Cohen refuted on the Late Late Show, saying: “Actually he was there for about seven minutes … quite a long time [for an Ali G interview]”.

The now-defunct Trump University was launched in 2005, offering courses in real-estate management and wealth creation. Its training programmes ran until 2010, and became the subject of a New York state inquiry over illegal business practices, leading to a lawsuit in 2013. Two class action lawsuits were also filed against Trump in connection with the training programme, which was never licensed as a university; Trump settled all three cases for $25m after being elected as president. During his presidential campaign he claimed that Gonzalo Curiel, one of the judges hearing the case, was biased because of his “Mexican heritage”.


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