The lives of two Buenos Aires bank employees, Morán (Daniel Elías) and Román (Esteban Bigliardi), are connected by more than the playful anagrammatic link between their names when Morán steals a considerable sum of money from the vault and persuades Román to hide it. Elliptical, engrossing and, at three hours-plus, perhaps a shade overlong, Rodrigo Moreno’s fourth solo feature is far more intriguing than a conventional crime flick. It’s a teasing exploration of the cost of freedom and of the dualities of life: the grey, boxed-in scenes at the men’s place of work are balanced against the airy, open possibilities of the Córdoba countryside, where the money is hidden and love, for both men, is found.
The Delinquents review – gripping Buenos Aires heist thriller
Two bank staff rob the vaults and head for the Argentinian countryside in Rodrigo Moreno’s thoughtful though overlong crime flick