
Philip French OBE: man of honour

Observer editorial: The Observer's film critic richly deserves this acknowledgement of his prowess

While the Observer could never be described as the keenest supporter of the honours system, we would be remiss not to note the award of an OBE in the New Year's list to Philip French, our peerless film critic. In his 50 years at the paper, Philip's knowledge and passion for the medium – not to mention the flair and wit of his writing – have won him the devoted admiration of both readers and practictioners.

David Puttnam said of him: "Good critics are fundamental in the creation of any good piece of art and Philip is an exemplar of the very best of an important tradition." Lord Puttnam's words were offered on the occasion of an earlier award for Philip, a Bafta fellowship in 2008.

Then, as now, industry figures queued up to offer their tributes, the younger among them noting how much they have learned from Philip – he is, according to producer Stephen Woolley, "a great teacher". Philip makes no such claims for himself. Instead, he says he is merely playing out an addiction, an addiction that's "overwhelming – and all experienced in semi-darkness".


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