Charlie Phillips 

Sparking dialogue: childhood in a Silicon Valley mobile home

A new Guardian documentary shows young Geovany filming his last day in a temporary home. Plus, read about other interesting documentary releases

Image from Crisanto Street documentary.
Image from Crisanto Street documentary. Photograph: Paloma Martinez/The Guardian

In the shadow of Silicon Valley a hidden community thrives despite difficult circumstances. For one resident, eight-year-old Geovany Cesario, impending change is bittersweet. When the time comes to leave Crisanto Avenue, which he affectionately calls Crisanto Street, he uses his camera to document the day.

Crisanto Street is a film by Paloma Martinez, an award-winning director interested in the intimate moments that humanise complex social and political structures. She began her storytelling career as a labour organiser in her native Texas. Her films have been screened at festivals around the world. With her work she hopes to empower communities and spark a dialogue about difficult subjects.

Coming up: Fighting shame

Being poor feels shameful. Like turning the kettle on in the morning and finding it doesn’t work because your electricity’s switched off. Having the absolute basic essentials of a functioning life. Yet if you’re poor very often your life just doesn’t function. This film, Fighting shame, was made by a group of 10 women from Leeds Poverty Truth Commission. The story has been told by referring to multiple everyday objects and it addresses the heart of the embarrassment felt at being poor. These strong women know they have a voice and that they can use it to help each other. Out 11 January

Oscar shortlist

Congratulations to the team behind Guardian documentary Black Sheep, which has been shortlisted for the Documentary Short Subject at the Oscars.

Documentary recommendations

At cinemas

As Christmas approaches, documentary distributors are using the opportunity to release a couple of excellent oddities.

The Green Fog, by the iconoclastic director Guy Maddin, is compiled exclusively from film and television shows shot in San Francisco. Maddin and his co-directors, Evan Johnson and Galen Johnson, construct a film that enigmatically mirrors Hitchcock’s Vertigo, and its all-consuming male gaze. The new film is soundtracked by the Kronos Quartet and is an exciting cinematic documentary experiment. Meanwhile, the very different The Bill Murray Stories is an ode to the actor’s background in improvised comedy.


Mel Films won the International Documentary Association award for a best short-form series. A stylish selection of international shorts with a current affairs background, there are some exciting and weird new films on their channel. Another nominee, Life Underground, is recommended. Created by the filmmaker Hervé Cohen, it features everyday stories from metro systems across the world. A particular treat for each location is the driver’s booth view – a delight for train fans.

There is a report on the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, the world’s biggest documentary festival, in the Observer New Review.

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