In this sequel to the 2013 animated film The Croods, caveman Grug ( voiced by Nicolas Cage) and his family are introduced to the modern concept of privacy when they stumble across a walled garden. It belongs to the Bettermans (Peter Dinklage and Leslie Mann), a smug family whose flushing toilets and flip-flops provide a few gentle laughs. Aided by cavegirl Eep (Emma Stone) and a fun, Guns N’ Roses-esque original song by Haim, the Bettermans’ cloistered daughter, Dawn (Kelly Marie Tran), reveals a rock’n’roll spirit, but the film’s second half suffers from frantic pacing and overstuffed action sequences.
The Croods: A New Age – scrappy prehistoric animation sequel
Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone and Ryan Reynolds return in a tale of keeping up with the paleolithic neighbours