He’s done weather forecasts and dream reports on his YouTube channel. Now the director is pulling numbers out of a jar – and he’s finally drawn mysterious seven. Numerology sleuths are on the case
Director Victor Kossakovsky, who worked with Phoenix on new film Gunda, says couple’s first child is named after Joaquin’s late brother, actor River Phoenix
From kickass screen roles to award-winning theatre and TV ones, with a curious sideline in nuns, the Yorkshire-born actor’s class and spirit earned her a magnificent career
The actor has made a film of himself at a preview – a PR stunt with a serious pretext: without cinema-going, his brand of big-screen blockbuster won’t survive
Raised by a ‘hustler’, anxious about work, Crudup is riding high as the star of Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon’s TV hit The Morning Show. He talks about childhood, coronavirus and #MeToo